Class: IWGeoJSONUtils


A class with static utility functions to easily add GeoJSON files or strings to a map.

new IWGeoJSONUtils()


<static> showGeoJsonObject(text, renderer, style, clickListener, mouseOverListener)

Parses the GeoJSON data from the provided string and adds it to the specified map renderer.
Name Type Description
text string the GeoJSON data to show
renderer IWMapRenderer the map to show the data on
style object an instance of a class to create the rendering style; see tutorial for examples
clickListener function a handler function which is called on click events
mouseOverListener function a handler function which is called on mouseover events

<static> showGeoJsonString(text, renderer, style, clickListener, mouseOverListener)

Parses the GeoJSON data from the provided string and adds it to the specified map renderer.
Name Type Description
text string the GeoJSON data to show
renderer IWMapRenderer the map to show the data on
style object an instance of a class to create the rendering style; see tutorial for examples
clickListener function a handler function which is called on click events
mouseOverListener function a handler function which is called on mouseover events

<static> showGeoJsonUrl(url, renderer, style, clickListener, mouseOverListener)

Loads the GeoJSON file from the provided URL and adds it to the specified map renderer. Make sure that appropriate CORS headers are set for accessing the URL!
Name Type Description
url string the URL to load the data from
renderer IWMapRenderer the map renderer to show the data on
style object an instance of a class to create the rendering style; see tutorial for examples
clickListener function a handler function which is called on click events
mouseOverListener function a handler function which is called on mouseover events