Release History

Release 1.4

1.4.19 02.07.2024

  • IWMap.setProvider() now has an optional flag to update the map as well (optional, defaults to true)
  • Fixed fonts loading
  • Additional CORS headers

1.4.18 23.04.2024

1.4.17 10.04.2024

  • Support for high resolution tiles for mobile devices

1.4.16 12.01.2024

  • Updated routing tutorial

1.4.15 05.01.2023

  • Fixed a bug when zooming with touch gestures

1.4.14 14.11.2023

  • Fixed a bug when zooming with touch gestures
  • IWRoutingManager now uses vehicle attributes for all vehicle types (truck and car)

1.4.13 10.10.2023

1.4.12 14.08.2023

  • Changed rendering of water areas in vector maps

1.4.11 20.07.2023

  • Added function IWMapOptions.setRightDoubleClickAction() to define action for double clicks with right mouse button
  • Added new constants IWMapOptions.CONTROL_ZOOM_IN and IWMapOptions.CONTROL_ZOOM_OUT to explicitly set zoom direction
  • Changed default map controls: Removed zoom box control for right mouse action and added zoom out for double clicks with right mouse button. To restore the previous behavior, set map.getOptions().setRightMouseAction(IWMapOptions.CONTROL_ZOOM) and map.getOptions().setRightDoubleClickAction(IWMapOptions.CONTROL_NONE)
  • Fixed location of zoom for double clicks with left mouse button

1.4.10 24.04.2023

1.4.9 21.03.2023

1.4.8 17.01.2023

1.4.7 29.11.2022

1.4.6 17.10.2022

1.4.5 17.10.2022

  • Fixed bounding box calculation for MultiPolygon features in a GeoJSON

1.4.4 02.08.2022

  • Improved wheel zoom, especially for touch pads
  • IWMapOptions.setFocusRequiredForKeyboardControls() can be used to determines whether the map can always be controlled by the keyboard, or only when it has focus.
  • IWGeoJSONUtils now triggers ongeojsonrender event with bounding box, the renderer and the point layer
  • Clustering: Zoom to cluster zooms only when the hits in the cluster have different coordinates (especially useful in combination with spiderfy)
  • IWClusteredOverlayLayer.removeOverlay() now has a parameter redraw

1.4.3 07.06.2022

1.4.2 27.05.2022

1.4.1 13.01.2022

1.4.0 20.12.2021

Release 1.3

1.3.22 28.01.2022

1.3.21 26.11.2021

  • Removed birds views

1.3.20 27.10.2021

  • Firefox: Fixed a rendering bug in IWMultiControl
  • Improved fonts loading (less fonts loaded when no vector tiles are used, added Link header)
  • Using the API no longer creates a server session and a cookie (JSESSIONID)

1.3.19 21.07.2021

  • Vector tile rendering now allows additional GeoJSON layers
  • Fixed: When a map was initialized and then removed from the DOM, IWIconManager did not work
  • Fixed: Bug in IWRoutingManager when multiple maps were initialized

1.3.18 21.04.2021

  • Added WebP support for bitmap tiles
  • No labels are loaded if no shape layers are used
  • IWIconManager no longer attaches an element to the document body
  • Changed date and time placeholders for public transport routing
  • Fixed switching from Valtus aerial images to a different map type
  • IWRoutingControl: Toggle display of truck attributes when mobility profile is changed by IWRoutingManager.setRouteOptions()
  • IWRoutingControl: Option showStartTime did not work if no other options were set
  • Fixed: When core.js was loaded with a callback this was called before VNR and PNR from the URL were set

1.3.17 15.03.2021

  • Fixed a bug related to rubber band routing

1.3.16 01.03.2021

  • Fixed copyright

1.3.15 26.02.2021

  • Fixed encoding for POI identify requests

1.3.14 08.02.2021

  • Fixed polygon rendering in vector tiles

1.3.13 25.11.2020

1.3.12 20.11.2020

  • All instances of IWMapRenderer now share a single SVG object, so renderers behind other renderers can get mouse events
  • Improved rendering of polylines with outline for vector map types

1.3.11 06.11.2020

  • Bugfix: Vector tiles rendered with wrong font during font loading
  • Removed dependency to Google Fonts for vector tiles
  • Fixed map panning for Internet Explorer
  • Changed caching headers for static resources

1.3.10 07.10.2020

  • Fix IWOverlayLayer: If a layer was invisible, the overlays were in the wrong place when the layer was rendered visible after a map zoom

1.3.9 07.10.2020

  • Fixed mouse panning for maps embedded in an iframe

1.3.8 24.09.2020

1.3.7 31.08.2020

  • IWRoutingControl now supports public transport routes (by redirecting the user input to
  • IWRoutingManager.setMarkerOffset() sets an offset, so that the markers for start and destination are completely visible after zoom
  • Fixed oncenter and onzoomend events after a resizing of the map
  • Fixed post processors for bitmap tiles
  • Fixed vector tile loading for connections with timeouts

1.3.6 05.08.2020

  • Bugfix: After opening an IWInfoBalloon the zoom did not work properly

1.3.5 30.07.2020

  • IWInfoBalloon resizes on content changes now
  • API no longer sends GetMapTypes requests if all map types have a parallel projection and are available worldwide
  • The time after which tooltips for POIs are closed can be set with IWPoiUtils.setTooltipTimeout()
  • Added shot date of birds views to the copyright
  • Fixed mouse scrolling for controls (IWRoutingControl and IWOverlaySelectionControl)
  • Removed deprecated attachEvent support and DOMMouseScroll handler

1.3.4 02.07.2020

  • Updated to use new map server with improved identify command
  • Backend: Flag to allow site local addresses
  • Do not show tooltips or bubbles if there is no content

1.3.3 24.06.2020

  • Route summary does no longer contain fuel consumption for pedestrian routes
  • Added mobility profile to the CSS class of the route summary
  • POI formatters can now support tooltips for multiple hits

1.3.2 23.03.2020

1.3.1 09.03.2020

  • Improved shape layer identify for polygons and polylines
  • Several minor bug fixes
  • Routing markers are shown as soon as start or destination are set

1.3.0 17.12.2019

  • Improved Routing (see demo page)
    • Improved dragging of routes
    • Route is draggable now when alternative routes are used
    • Route has a tooltip showing the distance on the tour
  • Improved Routing Control
    • Can be used in a window, (collapsible) panel, sidebar or any DIV which is not part of the map
    • No longer requires a fixed width
    • Can now be initialized with a default country to hide the country selection
    • Adds a locate button to the input fields
    • Mobility profiles (car, truck, pedestrian) are graphical buttons now
    • New options to hide interstations, swap start and destination
    • Options showAlternatives no longer adds a checkbox for alternative routing, but turns on this function
    • Refactored HTML structure and improved CSS styling for IWRoutingControl
  • New IWMarkerFactory (see tutorial)
  • Map now has an accent color which is used for markers and controls (see demo page)
  • Improved Controls (see demo page)
  • Replaced IWNavigationIconsManager by IWIconManager, which uses a default SVG icon sprite injected into the script
  • Removed obsolete Classes
    • IWToolbarControl (replaced by IWSVGToolbar)
    • IWCoordinateWindowControl (replaced by IWLocationSearchControl)
    • IWAddressSearchOneLineControl (replaced by IWLocationSearchControl)
    • IWSessionKeeper
    • GooglePlusControl
    • IWCoordinateWindowControl

Release 1.2

1.2.12 24.06.2019

  • Fixed label loading via HTTP POST
  • Additional OSM map types
  • Aerial images and birdsviews can be loaded with HTTPS now

1.2.11 23.04.2019

1.2.10 02.04.2019

1.2.9 13.03.2019

1.2.8 21.02.2019

  • Added pixel offset to getBoundsZoomLevel
  • Default vector tiles configuration is included in the module now
  • Updated route calculation with traffic flows
  • Updated POI formatter for traffic events
  • Updated clustering tutorial and demo

1.2.7 08.01.2019

  • Map used a grid background now
  • IWRoutingManager now supports undo and redo
  • POI formatters now get the coordinate as a second parameter

1.2.6 05.12.2018

  • Clustering of map markers

1.2.5 07.11.2018

  • Minor change to IWRoutingManager

1.2.4 02.10.2018

  • Fix for touch gestures if the map has an page offset
  • Added new POI connector

1.2.3 09.08.2018

  • POI formatters can now support multi hits by implementing formatMultiDetailed()

1.2.2 23.07.2018

  • Optimized database backend

1.2.1 18.06.2018

  • Added an event for IWMap.openInfoBalloon()
  • Minor changes and configuration updates

1.2.0 14.03.2018

  • New routing module with alternative routes, better traffic information, truck routing etc.
  • Module vectortiles to support rendering of tiles in the browser
  • Modules can now be loaded with core.js (see Basics)
  • Removed classes IWVMLRenderer, IWBingCulture, and IWBingProjection

Release 1.1

1.1.96 18.08.2017

  • fix for reloading labels while moving the map. Also reload labels if the mouse cursor is outside screen on move end.

1.1.95 20.06.2017

  • fix for draggable SVG elements

1.1.94 18.05.2017

  • new boolean parameter for function getSelectedItems to get boundingbox information of the selected items

1.1.93 20.03.2017

  • increased feature limit for geometry filter

1.1.92 24.01.2017

  • new parameter 'container' in IWMapOptions.setAutoResize. If parameter container is defined, the map is fit to this container, if the window is resized.

1.1.90 29.11.2016

  • https-support for images urls of IWPoiUtils
  • bugfixes for SelectionAPI

1.1.89 21.10.2016

1.1.88 10.10.2016

1.1.87 29.09.2016

1.1.86 12.08.2016

  • Minimum and maximum size of info balloons can be set now by IWInfoBalloon.setMinSize() / IWInfoBalloon.setMaxSize
  • IWPoiUtils.initLayers() now uses the zoom level from the catalogue if no range is provided
  • Bugfixes for selection API regarding touch events

1.1.85 23.05.2016

  • Minor changes to configuration and mobile demo page

1.1.84 04.05.2016

  • fixed a bug in the refresh of AccessFilter

1.1.83 29.04.2016

  • big update of documentation (remove mapping.js in tutorial examples)

1.1.82 12.04.2016

  • performance optimization(remove many blank.gif requests, compress css)

1.1.81 15.03.2016

  • callback parameter for loading core.js, e.g. ../js/core.js?callback=initMap.

1.1.80 08.03.2016

  • IWSelectionManager has a new feature to query informations about publishing companies

1.1.79 26.02.2016

  • ability to configure the tooltip in module geometryfilter with placeholder like $ID$

1.1.78 16.02.2016

  • getMapTypes requests return styles now

1.1.77 26.01.2016

  • new config entry "styles" to set the supported styles for a map type. Functions to change the style of a map type on the fly.

1.1.76 06.01.2016

  • GeometryFilter-Update: new function (drawGetLayerResult)to draw a layer with the result of getLayer function.

1.1.75 20.11.2015

  • GeometryFilter-Update: parameterize tooltip

1.1.74 23.11.2015

  • new style (deluxe) for overviewmap. Updated config to set fallback maptype for overviewmaps.

1.1.73 06.11.2015

  • new version of module SelectionAPI, BugFixes
  • update configuration, internal improvements and bugfixes

1.1.72 01.09.2015

  • Birds views now can be blocked for certain areas in case of customer complaints

1.1.71 05.08.2015

  • Added functions to render SVG paths (see Tutorial Chapter 11)
  • Added new module 'geometryfilter'. Supports filtering geometries and drawing them on map with highlight options, ...
  • Updated module selectionAPI. Supports several layers and use the new module geometryfilter to support filters and highlighting on mouseover events
  • When a module with dependencies is loaded all missing dependent modules are loaded, too. For example loading the routing module will initialize both geocoding and graphics.

1.1.70 07.07.2015

  • Added Host parameter for POST label requests
  • IWPolygon now fires mouseover and mouseout events

1.1.69 18.05.2015

  • Default icons for routing markers in IWRoutingControl

1.1.68 12.05.2015

  • Also replace http with https in the alias-urls of the labelsservers
  • click and double click event for graphic objects, such as IWCircle

1.1.67 29.04.2015

  • Now you can address a RoutingServer with traffic informations

1.1.66 17.04.2015

  • The default POI formatter now shows external images defined in the MapCMS
  • An IWInfoBalloon containing an image now is resized when the image has been loaded

1.1.65 26.03.2015

  • New module SelectionAPI

1.1.64 24.03.2015

  • Internal improvements and bugfixes

1.1.63 17.03.2015

  • IWMultiControl now uses static images for air and roadmap views instead of the dynamic previews.

1.1.62 05.03.2015

1.1.61 05.02.2015

  • Unavailability of metadata services for map types now longer slow down map type requests.

1.1.60 02.02.2015

  • IWMultiControl now uses a static image for birds views instead of the dynamic preview.

1.1.59 21.01.2015

  • Added IWMapTypeUtils to request information on map types and check their availability.

1.1.58 18.12.2014

1.1.57 19.11.2014

  • Added support for Blom oblique views
  • Added support for Here Maps tiles

1.1.56 28.08.2014

  • Fixed a bug in IWTouchUtils.addTouchGestures(). After adding touch support to a map events registered by IWEventManager.addDomListener(element, 'onclick', callback); did no longer work.

1.1.55 04.08.2014

1.1.54 30.07.2014

  • IWXMLHttpRequest.send() did not send data parameter in POST requests.
  • Several bug fixes and optimizations for Sehr mobil

1.1.53 23.07.2014

1.1.52 06.06.2014

  • Fixes a problem with POI data containing quotes.

1.1.51 05.05.2014

  • Temporal deactivation of showLabels to surpress unwanted reloads.
  • Precalculations of tiles per meter if they were not downloaded from the server by getMapTypes yet.

1.1.50 15.05.2014

  • Several routing related improvements and bugfixes
  • Starting with 1.1.49 the routing proxy blocks requests to non-standard ports. By setting the parameter whitelistPorts in iwconfig.xml you can allow additional ports.
    Example: <parameter name="whitelistPorts" value="-1,80,443,5224-5226" /> will allow requests with default port (HTTP), 80 (HTTP), 443 (HTTPS) and the map servers running on 5224, 5225 and 5226.

1.1.49 24.03.2014

  • Fixes security issues in the proxy used by IWXMLHttpRequest and the command getLanguagePack
  • Fixes some minor routing related issues

1.1.48 11.03.2014

1.1.47 24.02.2014

  • Important security fixes for several server commands

1.1.46 14.02.2014

  • By rendering the route in a map renderer, the rendering attributes (color, opacity, width and style like solid or dotted) may be set via IWRoutingControl.setOptions()

1.1.45 10.02.2014

  • Multi Control minor improvements
  • Map types for Multi Control and Overview Map

1.1.44 28.01.2014

1.1.43 10.12.2013

  • Minor CSS stylesheet improvements

1.1.42 04.12.2013

  • Renamed IWLocalTrafficFormatter to IWPublicTransportFormatter
  • Improved loading speed of POI overlays by using sprites and preloading

1.1.41 02.12.2013

  • Geocoding and reverse Geocoding now use UTF-8 to support languages with non ISO-8859-1 characters

1.1.40 22.11.2013

  • Internet Explorer 11 is now supported

1.1.39 11.11.2013

  • Added a POI formatter for INRIX traffic information
  • Fixed geocoding for addresses containing characters not in ISO-8859-1 (e.g. in Hungary)

1.1.38 14.10.2013

1.1.37 09.08.2013

  • Mouse wheel zoom limited to a fixed number of zoom levels (optional)
  • Improved sizing of IWInfoBalloon
  • Improved keyboard controls
  • POI layers no longer have a default visibility range of zoom level 10 to 18
  • Improved DOM structure to prepare rotation and perspective transformations of the map
  • Fixed tooltips for example POIs in the tutorial and Map Simple
  • Various bugfixes regarding labels
  • Bugfix in IWMapOptions.setBorderTiles()
  • Fixed a bug in IWAJAX
  • Improved Internet Explorer compatibility
  • Improved Safari iOS compatibility

1.1.36 22.05.2013

  • IE 7 / 8 Birdsview bugfix
  • IE 7/8 VML Rendering bugfix

1.1.35 17.04.2013

  • Touch gestures were improved to handle multiple touches that are following each other very quickly

1.1.34 03.04.2013

  • Routing markers were added and routing symbols can be changed now
  • IE 8 bugfix

1.1.33 28.02.2013

  • Various minor bugfixes

1.1.32 18.02.2013

  • Documentation adapted
  • Encoding issues with server requests in some cases especially for IE 6
  • Minor UI improvements
  • Configuration
  • Reintroduced event onFormatNode events for formating the POI list.

1.1.31 25.01.2013

1.1.30 22.01.2013

  • Fixed optical zoom for successive zooms with differet centers
  • Internet Explorer 6 support (PNG-Fix and labels)
  • Deactivated IWMapOptions.setBorderTiles() for the time being
  • Fixed tile sorting

1.1.29 15.01.2013

  • Fixed touch support for several controls
  • Fixed a bug in IWWindowOverlay
  • Reworked tutorial (Chapter 7: Shapes and Layers)

1.1.28 10.01.2013

  • Optical zooms and birds view transformations in Internet Explorer 7 and 8
  • Added POI formatter for default MapSuite POIs

1.1.27 03.01.2013

  • IWSerializableManager can now be used to serialize the map state to JSON
  • IWShareUtils provides functions to share the map via Twitter, Google+ and E-Mail
  • The new controls IWTwitterControl, IWGooglePlusControl and IWMailControl add buttons to share the map

1.1.26 18.12.2012

  • Internal changes to POI support

1.1.25 06.12.2012

1.1.24 08.11.2012

  • Reduced HTTP calls for multi-language support
  • Compatibility improvements for MapAPI 1.0 applications and KartenVerzeichnisAPI
  • Several minor bug fixes

1.1.23 08.11.2012

  • Various internal changes regarding POIs, geocoding and birdsviews

1.1.22 31.10.2012

  • POI formatter classes to show information for TMCpro, car parks, railway stations and more
  • Unified geocoder support. IWGeocoderClient now replaces deprecated classes IWSimpleGeocoderClient and IWBingGeocoderClient
  • Window overlays like IWInfoBalloon now fire click events when touched
  • Fixed Infoware Birdsviews
  • Internet Explorer issues

1.1.21 16.10.2012

  • Deliver Bing-Birdsviews by default
  • Zooming after a device has geolocated itself is optional

1.1.20 10.10.2012

  • Fixed birdsview move and rotate bug
  • Pixel center added to zoom events

1.1.19 08.10.2012

1.1.18 05.10.2012

  • Removed flickering after map zooms
  • Fixed bug preventing multiple maps in one document
  • Adding touch support multiple times to a map no longer causes problems
  • Fixed optical zoom
  • Fixed tooltips
  • Fixed positioning of the labels
  • Fixed bug which occured in movements after map zooms

1.1.17 29.09.2012

1.1.16 27.09.2012

  • Fixed two finger zoom gestures for maps not positioned at the origin
  • Android 2 systems (which do not support SVG) show the geolocation radius now

1.1.15 26.09.2012

  • Fixed issue with mobile tile loading

1.1.14 21.09.2012

  • IWMarker wasn't placed correctly on the map after it was moved
  • Fixed zooming issues with label placing

1.1.13 18.09.2012

  • Fixed geolocation support for Android 2 systems

1.1.12 18.09.2012

  • Various internal changes and optimizations

1.1.11 13.09.2012

  • Improved tile loading and caching
  • Fixed IWInfoBalloon for Android default browser

1.1.10 10.09.2012

  • Added touch support for IWMarkers
  • Fixed touch gestures for maps not positioned at the origin

1.1.9 06.09.2012

1.1.8 27.08.2012

  • Elements based on IWDraggable (window controls, the measuring tool and the overview map) can be dragged by touching now

1.1.7 09.08.2012

  • FAQ entries about performance topics added

1.1.6 06.08.2012

  • IWTouchUtils now supports turning off default behaviour for touch gestures (for applications with individual gesture handlers)
  • Fixed optical zoom for mouse wheel zooms
  • Fixed positioning of overlays (e.g. IWMarkers) on zooms after map movements
  • Fixed bug when using multiple map renderers
  • Fixed hiding of overlays and map renderers on zooms by touch gestures

1.1.5 03.08.2012

  • Auto resize option in IWMapOptions
  • Improved tile caching
  • Fixed overview map
  • Fixed identify for non-MapCMS POI layers
  • Fixed initialization of markers with WGS84 coordinates
  • Fixed support for map types based on mapSuite mapserver

1.1.4 30.07.2012

1.1.3 24.07.2012

  • Fixed various map initialization bugs
  • Improved map loading behaviour
  • Performance optimization

1.1.2 17.07.2012

  • Various bugfixes and performance optimizations

1.1.1 28.06.2012

  • Transformations between bird's view scenes
  • Performance optimization

1.1.0 01.09.2011

  • New map type: Birds views via Microsoft Bing
  • Touch gestures support for iOS and Android
  • GeoLocation API support by IWGeoLocationUtils
  • Modularisation
  • Performance optimization
  • Uses CSS transforms and transitions if available
  • Changed double click behavior: Zooms in one level now
  • Changed double click behavior: Zooms in one level now
  • Replaced IWMoveEvents by plain objects for performance improvement
  • Fixed move events for panBy() and panTo()
  • Fixed SVG rendering bug in Firefox
  • Renamed IWCloneable to IWClonable.
  • Documentation: FAQ

Release 1.0

1.0.38 20.11.2014

  • Added support for Blom oblique views
  • Added support for Here Maps tiles

1.0.37 03.07.2014

  • Documentation and FAQ

1.0.36 24.03.2014

  • Fixes security issues in the proxy used by IWXMLHttpRequest and the command getLanguagePack

1.0.35 11.03.2014

1.0.34 24.02.2014

  • Important security fixes for several server commands

1.0.33 11.12.2013

  • Compatibility layer to map prepareTiles and getTile requests to Bing birds views. Please note that performance is much better for direct Bing birds view access

1.0.32 20.11.2013

  • Birds view map type now supports loading tiles from Bing Maps (improved performance)

1.0.31 27.06.2013

  • Internet Explorer 10 Bugfix for displaying markers

1.0.30 19.03.2013

  • Removed class IWShapeService; improved KML support will be added in MapAPI 1.1
  • Internal changes to birds view configuration to improve performance and reliability

1.0.29 07.12.2012

  • Compatibility patch to use both MapAPI and Minimap in the same document

1.0.28 12.11.2012

  • Minor changes to resource loading, JSON support and logging

1.0.27 02.07.2012

  • Updated connector for additional POI information (dynamic POIs like museums, pharmacies etc.)
  • Fixed inputs with Umlauts for IWGeocoderClient

1.0.26 28.06.2012

1.0.25 25.05.2012

  • Fixed several bugs related to map renderer, POI identify requests and routing

1.0.24 22.03.2012

  • Fixed backslash escaping in identify command

1.0.23 21.03.2012

1.0.22 09.03.2012

1.0.21 05.03.2012

1.0.20 08.02.2012

  • Fixed geocoding for servers configured to use UTF-8 URI encoding.

1.0.19 20.01.2012

  • No more reloads of the complete view without switching to another view.

1.0.18 10.01.2012

  • Added bird's view images for cities in Austria, Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Netherlands, and Switzerland.

1.0.17 22.12.2011

  • Internal changes to identify requests and logging.

1.0.16 06.12.2011

  • Supports more bird's view images now (more and newer images, other countries). Server backend only, no application updates needed.

1.0.15 30.11.2011

  • IWBounds uses now min and max coordinates instead of northwest and southeast, the order does not matter when the object is initialized.

    getNorthWest() and getSouthEast() are deprecated now.

    A bounds object can be initialized with an array of coordinates now.

  • Fixed POST support in IWXMLHttpRequest for Webkit based browsers
  • Set a better default URL for IWSimpleGeocoder, usually you don't need setUrl() any more.
  • Removed some private properties from IWMapOptions
  • Minor changes in the tutorial
  • Improved bird's view images (backend only)

1.0.14 18.11.2011

  • Added Host, port and version to the HTTP response header of mapping.js.
  • Bugfix: Scalar control had to be inserted after map center was set.
  • Bugfix: Overview map control had to be inserted after map center was set.

1.0.13 07.11.2011

  • Bing Maps tile URLs are requestet from the imagery metadata REST service now.
  • HTTP response for mapping.js now has a Content-Length.
  • Labels in POI selection control now are clickable.

1.0.12 19.10.2011

  • All requests to Microsoft Bing services (tiles, geocoding, routing) now use Bing Maps keys instead of tokens.
  • Bugfix in VML support (Internet Explorer only).

1.0.11 31.08.2011

  • Fixed geocoding compatibility between different API versions.
  • The map no longer cancels mouse wheel events.

1.0.10 11.08.2011

  • Minor bugfixes.

1.0.09 17.07.2011

  • Font size in copyright control depends on map size now.
  • IWSliderControl has a "compact" mode and supports custom images now.

1.0.08 12.05.2011

  • Fixed remaining elements message on IW-AJAX POST requests.
  • Fixed tranparency png fix for IE8 and background images.
  • Added Bing routing and geocoding support.
  • The overview map draws the visible rectangle with SVG/VML.
  • IW.windowSize works now on all known browsers.

1.0.07 10.12.2010

  • Minor bugfixes.

1.0.06 26.10.2010

  • Minor bugfixes.

1.0.05 27.08.2010

  • Minor bugfixes.

1.0.04 07.07.2010

1.0.03 23.04.2010

  • The examples in the tutorial pages are using now Mercator coordinates.

1.0.02 18.11.2009

1.0.01 16.06.2009